Testing FAQ

Why should my child have an evaluation?

Testing and assessments are typically conducted when the child is experiencing difficulty in learning, attention, behavior, socialization or emotional control. A psychological evaluation serves several purposes:

What does a diagnostic evaluation consist of?

A comprehensive evaluation generally consists of a developmental history, review of previous evaluations/interventions, behavior rating scales, and an appropriate battery of diagnostic tests. The test battery may vary depending upon the nature of the referral (i.e., learning difficulties, social/emotional difficulties, autism spectrum disorders, attention deficit disorders, etc.). Most batteries consist of intelligence testing, educational assessment, cognitive/processing assessment (phonological processing, memory, attention, language, and executive functioning), as well as emotional-social-behavioral assessment.

What types of evaluation services do I provide?

How long does an evaluation take?

Typically, the testing process may take a total of 5‑6 hours conducted in 3‑4 sessions. However, this may vary depending on your child’s age, motivation, and attention span.

Can the testing take place at my child's school?

As part of my services, I can conduct assessments away from my primary office with specific arrangements and conditions.

How much will testing cost?

Our fees vary depending upon the nature of the evaluation services required to meet each child’s specific needs. Please contact us directly using our contact form to discuss the fees for the services you need.

Do you accept insurance?

No. Our services are provided on a fee-for-service basis in order to offer a higher quality of service. This arrangement gives us the opportunity to use my clinical judgment and your preferences to make decisions together about what assessment and/or treatment will be most helpful to your child rather than have this dictated by the insurance company. Families pay us directly for all services, and we provide an itemized invoice. This invoice can be submitted to your insurance company with any other required forms.

How can I pay for your services?

Payment can be made by cash, check, credit card, Venmo, or Zelle. All payments are due at the time of service. If for some reason payment cannot be made at that time, we can make alternative arrangements in order to facilitate payment. All fees are subject to change with advance notice.

What happens after the testing?

Approximately two weeks after the testing, you will return to the office, without your child, for a feedback session. This last session typically takes 90 minutes. At this appointment, I will review in detail the testing results, discuss recommendations, and answer any questions you may have.

A written report is provided within one week following the review. The report provides a written record of the testing that was completed and includes specific recommendations so that parents, educational staff, physicians, and other professionals working with your child can coordinate a treatment plan that will enable your child to better succeed.

Who receives the results of the evaluation?

The parent(s)/legal guardian receive the results. I cannot share the results with anyone other than you without express written permission. In most cases, sharing the report with school personnel is helpful, but this is only done with written permission.

After I have reviewed the results of the evaluation, could you meet with my child's teacher and/or school administrator?

Yes. At the parents’ request, a meeting can be scheduled with your child’s teacher and/or school administrator to go over the results and recommendations.

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